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Lauren Cecile

Debbie's Daunting Dilemma: Alliterative Short Stories To Improve Your Vocabulary and Master Standardized Tests!

Debbie's Daunting Dilemma: Alliterative Short Stories To Improve Your Vocabulary and Master Standardized Tests!

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Lauren Cecile is a municipal court judge. She is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University School of Law and Spelman College, and a survivor of the rigorous AP English classes at Shaker Heights High School in the 1970s. She is an avid reader, bibliophile, and author of Eyes Like Mine, a historical novel and Let the World Be Your Oyster, a comprehensive travel guide. Her latest project, Knowledge is Power: How Much Do You Know? is a fun quiz book that is a perfect companion to this unique vocabulary study aid. Used together, they help grasp a diverse body of knowledge and facilitate self-teaching.

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